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Barbara Milon - Executive Director - It was a pleasure to see the play Revelation: Judgment Day last year. I enjoyed it very much. The scenery and dramatization of Revelation by the group was a complicated subject done in a very entertaining and thought inspiring portrayal. I wish you every success in your future endeavors. I hope that there will be many more plays in the future. 

Wayne Hunter - Mens Program Manager - "Revelation" was exceptional entertainment. Several stories are artistically and creatively told within the play. The dancing and singing that was performed by the talent young people of our community was from the beginning to end both heart wrenching and wonderful...But it was the important message the play conveyed, the message that was spoken to so loud and clear...that we all are responsible to more...much more...than man's laws, that our ultimate and inescapable accountability is the hands of God, not man!

Sonia Quiles - Securities Operation Service Specialist - I thought the play was amazing. It touches you in a way that you feel the presence of the Spirit of the Lord, whether you know him personally or not. After seeing the play, it made me want to got and tell someone, anyone the greatness of Jesus.

Johnathan Richmond - Corrections Manager - The play was touching for me. For people who don't have a relationship with God, this play makes you want to seek a personal relationship so MY NAME will be in the book of life. 

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